Chichester welcomes Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Liberal Democrat candidate
11th April 2024
This week saw the launch of the election for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex. Polling Day will be Thursday May 2nd. Many people across the Chichester area will be receiving their polling cards in the next few days if they have not done so already.
JESS Brown-Fuller, the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester was delighted to welcome Jamie Bennett, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex, to Chichester.
Jamie’s key manifesto pledge is to cut the costs of the Commissioner’s office (including halving the salary of the Commissioner!) and invest the savings in restoring the 140 Sussex police officers that have been cut since 2011. Jamie said: “I also plan to put the Chichester custody centre, which is still being paid for out of public funds, back into active use – so that Chichester police officers don’t spend their time ferrying people who need to be in custody all the way to Worthing instead of policing the streets of Chichester”.
More information on Jamie Bennett’s campaign at: www.southeastlibdems.org.uk/pcc-elections-2024/jamie-bennett-for-sussex/

Police Community Support Officers in Sussex cut by 91
7th April 2024
The number of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) on the streets has fallen dramatically by 27.8% since 2015.
Analysis of new Home Office statistics commissioned by the Liberal Democrats from the House of Commons Library has shown the drastic cuts to PCSOs in Sussex.
A total of 234 full-time equivalent PCSOs were employed in Sussex as of September 2022. This is in stark contrast to the 325 that were employed in March 2015 - meaning there have been 91 PCSOs cut from Sussex Police in that time.
The Liberal Democrats have accused the Conservative Government of letting communities in Sussex down by taking Police Community Support Officers off the streets, leading to more crimes going unsolved and victims going without justice
The same trend is being seen up and down the country, with the number of active PCSOs falling by an average of 33% in England and Wales since 2015. Nationally, England and Wales have lost 4,068 PCSOs since 2015.
Jamie Bennett has slammed the Conservatives for this move, which means that less police officers are visible on the streets, building relationships - and trust - with local people. The party has called for a return to proper community policing.
Responding to the figures, Jamie Bennett, Liberal Democrat Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate for Sussex, said:
“These shocking figures prove that Conservative Ministers are yet again failing to prevent crime in Sussex. They should be ashamed.
“Police Community Support Officers play a vital role in keeping our communities safe. The Government should be empowering them to do their job, not slashing their numbers into oblivion.”
“Liberal Democrats are calling for a return to proper community policing, where officers are visible, trusted and known personally to local people. We will build communities where people are safe - and feel safe, too.”
Source: Home Office, Police Workforce: England and Wales, Jan 2023, Table H7 (various editions) and Table 3. Strength figures include those staff on career breaks or maternity/paternity leave.

Chichester grower marches forward with a Spring strawberry
5th April 2024
The Summer Berry Company are leading the charge in the Chichester area with their innovative growing methods, with a goal to produce fresh strawberries all year round from their sites here on the South Coast.
Jess Brown-Fuller, the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester, couldn’t resist saying yes when given the chance to try the first strawberry crop of the year from The Summer Berry Company’s glasshouses.
"It's exciting to see a company such as the Summer Berry Company finding ways to innovate, grow sustainably and embracing technology which could change the sector in years to come. Their strawberries, in Mid-March, tasted like a Summer's Day, which was a welcome taste after the last few months of rain!" she said.
The Summer Berry Company grows blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries outdoors, in glasshouses and in polytunnels on Chichester’s coastal plain and in Portugal. Based in Colworth, just south of Chichester, the company produces over 10,000 tonnes of berries a year.
Using innovative technologies including robotics together with green energy solutions and water efficiency techniques it aims to produce berries all year round, reducing its seasonal reliance and to meet growing demand.
“Chichester has some of the highest quality agricultural land in the country and is home to many excellent businesses from the agriculture and horticulture sector, some of whom are pioneering new technology to make our food production sector more resilient and competitive,’ said Jess.

Lib Dem candidate MP welcomes County Council’s meeting with parents of Jessie Younghusband School.
2nd March 2024
WSCC was packed with parents of the Jessie Younghusband School (JYS) this week. They had come to hear Councillors scrutinise the Council’s proposed relocation of their previously rated outstanding now good, much-loved community school. WSCC wants to move JYS pupils to Minerva Heights’ new school. Parents wanted to know what data, alternative options and criteria had been considered in proposing this move.
Dismayed JYS parents want to see the information that has been considered by WSCC to date – beyond the evident cost-savings driving this proposal. They did not believe that they had been adequately consulted, or their views sought; and requests for meetings with the County Council had been unsuccessful. So, they asked Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester constituency for help. Jess has mobilised the relevant Lib Dem County, District and City Councillors for Chichester: Dr Kate O’Kelly, Julian Joy, Sarah Quail and Louise Pramas, to try to help the parents in their quest.
After both Lib Dem lobbying before the Council scrutiny meeting plus a plea during the meeting by Julian Joy for effective consultation that focussed on community buy-in; Jess was delighted to hear that the Director of Children’s Services has now offered Julian and the JYS parents the meeting they want.
JYS parents Alexandra Robertson and Mike Callis said: “It’s so important that all the parents can be fully informed, and we can all understand the situation from all angles. We just want the process to be fully transparent. This popular school is at the heart of our community and plays such a big role in our lives, and those of our children.
Jess said: “Jessie is a highly rated and popular community school, where most parents walk their children in. Moving location means that most parents will have to drive. That will add to the already significant traffic issues and associated environmental damage in Chichester. And there isn’t even parking provision at the new school, so there are safety issues that I’d like to be assured that WSCC have considered alongside the other factors listed by the parents. There is a legitimate fear that this JYS school relocation proposal by WSCC is driven purely by cost considerations. I’m fully supportive of the school’s parents’ requests to be given all the data and information considered so far by WSCC in reaching this proposal. The consultation process has not been transparent, and I don’t think it is helpful or democratic to withhold information from parents who just want to understand how the County Council came to this proposal. The school’s community need to be in the loop and understand the narrative of how WSCC got to where they are. I applaud the Director of Children’s Services decision to now meet with the JYS parents and I look forward to hearing of the outcomes.
Campaign to Save Jessie Younghusband School: https://www.savejessie.co.uk/
Petition to Save Jessie Younghusband School https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-proposed-relocation-of-jessie-younghusband-school
Jess Brown-Fuller, candidate MP for Chichester constituency

Candidate MP applauds new Lib Dem-led District Council’s agreed budget for Chichester.
1st March 2024
Jess Brown-Fuller, Chichester’s parliamentary candidate for the Lib Dems has congratulated the new Lib Dem-led District Council after it agreed a compelling and balanced budget that puts CDC on a sound financial footing. This has involved making some tough choices about how to balance the budget to meet its priorities and avoid the pitfalls that have hit other local councils around the country.
You may have heard about some local councils in other parts of the country, going bankrupt and/or struggling to pay their debts. That’s because central government has cut local council funding by 40% in the last 5 years. This Conservative government’s inflationary policies have increased all services costs and left less money to pay for them - even though there is unprecedented demand for those services, especially in Chichester.
Jonathan Brown, Deputy Leader of Chichester District Council presented a compelling rationale for balancing delivery of short-term and statutory service obligations - like providing emergency accommodation for increasing numbers of homeless people - alongside the funding of long term environmental initiatives, community support projects and economic development programmes in the City as well as in other parts of the District.
Jonathan said: "The new Lib Dem Council’s overarching objective is to promote healthy and vibrant communities in all parts of the District. We want Chichester to be somewhere that people of all ages want to live, work, and play in - and we want to attract visitors to come and enjoy the many advantages that Chichester has. Every penny we have will be working hard for everyone, right across Chichester District. We have ensured that today’s budget is: 1. Focussed on our community 2. Drives economic growth 3. Protects our local environment – and importantly 4. Provides a strong fiscal platform for future years’ budgets.
Jess said: "Getting a balanced budget in place to reflect Lib Dem policies and commitments to Chichester voters is a great result! Taking over after 24 years of the Council being run by the Conservatives meant that quite a few spending habits have been shaken up by the Lib Dems. The funding constraints for the new team have been especially challenging; but ultimately the team’s professional experience and skills in financial management have really made a difference. I’m delighted that the District Council has been able to align scarce resources behind the Lib Dems' pledge to bring A Brighter Future to Chichester. I’m looking forward to seeing the projects which are being financed under this budget having a positive impact on the residents and businesses in and around Chichester."

Anger as West Sussex County Council cuts flooding funding
18th February 2024
Plans to cut the amount of funding provided by West Sussex County Council to help local communities protect themselves from flood risk are attracting criticism from Liberal Democrats and local residents.
The Conservative-led county council reduced its annual funding for its flood prevention fund Operation Watershed for the 2024/5 budget passed in Chichester on Friday. The council also removed action on climate change as a key council priority.
This will be a particular blow for residents in the new coastal constituency of Chichester who have suffered significant flooding of roads in the area during the winter.
“Flood, drainage and sewage issues are some of the main concerns I hear from local residents. To reduce spending in this area now is short-term thinking at its worst,” said Jess Brown-Fuller, the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester.
Speaking after the county council meeting on Friday, Liberal Democrat Deputy Group Leader Cllr Kate O’Kelly (Midhurst) said
“Once again, the Conservatives are content to pay lip service to West Sussex residents concerns but then refuse to go the extra mile in funding them properly. And on both flood prevention and climate change, they have quietly reduced their commitment.
“The Liberal Democrats are out on the doorsteps every week listening to residents and we know that potholes and flooding are people’s two biggest concerns. We proposed both more money for road maintenance than the Conservatives, and increased funding and capacity for drainage improvements. Meanwhile the Conservatives are also ignoring the growing mental health crisis in our children while we have found money to provide more much needed support. The Liberal Democrat proposals are both resident-focused and financially sound being funded entirely by back office savings and additional income.”
Jess Brown-Fuller (Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester) added “The Conservatives nationally have starved local government of much needed funding for too long. Our roads are crumbling and flooding and only the Liberal Democrats seem to realise the urgency of dealing with these. The Conservatives locally may try to claim they are different to their government, but they have quietly removed any mention of action on climate change from their priorities and cutting funding for issues like flood prevention that climate change is causing. The only way forward for West Sussex now is to vote for change. Change at Westminster and change at Chichester is possible with the Liberal Democrats”

‘Restore Funding for Education’ says Jess Brown-Fuller, candidate MP
5th Febuary 2023
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester constituency, Jess Brown-Fuller, is urging Secretary of State for Education, Gillian Keegan, to deliver the funding promised to schools in July and put the future of school children in Chichester’s constituency first.
In July 2023, The Dept of Education told schools how much they could expect to have to spend in 2024/25. Schools, Headteachers and Governors excitedly began to make plans. But in October, schools across Chichester constituency were told that their budget would 22% less than they had thought. That adds up to a cut of more than £650,000 (or 16 full-time teachers) across Chichester constituency’s schools alone. You can see how much your local school is affected here
Gillian Keegan has blamed her department’s backtrack on a calculation error. The DfE said that as schools have not yet actually received funding allocations for 2024-25 yet, addressing their error will not result in any clawback.
Says Jess Brown-Fuller: “As a parent with school age children, I share the worries that parents have over education. And I say - this simply isn’t good enough. Schools across Chichester constituency now need to find savings at the expense of our children’s education. I urge the Department of Education to stop compromising our children’s future and restore the funding originally promised now”.
Head teacher Aparna Sharma of one of the affected schools, Bourne Community College, said: “This is yet more uncertainty for my staff, my pupils and my parents to have to cope with. It’s difficult enough to make ends
meet and deliver the best education we can in difficult circumstances. We still have not had the revised funding number confirmed, so we are in limbo”
On top of this cut in education funding, parents are already worrying about teachers striking for fair pay or choosing to leave the profession. Safety concerns over the use of RAAC concrete or asbestos in school buildings
continue, with Department of Education being slow to publish a definitive audit – never mind the costs associated with having waited so long to attend to these known safety issues. Parents with children who have already suffered with lasting mental-health and education impact of covid disruption, compounded by inadequate catch-up tuition are increasingly anxious to ensure their children get the education they both deserve and need.
Jess Brown-Fuller went on to comment: “The Department of Education lurches from one crisis to another – with disastrous consequences for our children. Our kids (and their parents) deserve A Fair Deal – which is what
they aren’t getting in Chichester constituency at the moment. That’s why I’m fully behind the Liberal Democrats’ plans to:
- Reinstate this funding that schools had been counting on.
- Make the investment needed for our children to catch up on the vital learning they missed during the pandemic.
- Employ a qualified and dedicated mental health practitioner for every school, making sure every child and every parent has someone they can turn to for help.
Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign to become MP for Chichester:

Dementia Support’s ‘Corporate Ladies Club’ kicks off 2024 series at Goodwood
Jess Brown-Fuller, District Councillor & Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester first guest speaker
Chichester, West Sussex 22nd January 2024: Local charity, Dementia Support, has kicked off its 2024 ‘Corporate Ladies Club’ programme today with a talk from Jess Brown-Fuller, County Councillor and Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester constituency at the Goodwood Hotel. This marks the first in a series of bi-monthly business networking events, supported by Goodwood. Local women in business are invited to join for free and learn more about the work of the charity.
“We’ve been overwhelmed with positive feedback since the launch of our Corporate Ladies Club in 2023. As well as providing a valuable networking group for local women in business, we’ve also been able to increase
awareness of our charity and raise some crucial funds along the way. As a self-funded charity serving our local community, having a close tie with local business is vital” said Dianne Gill, Fundraising Relationships Manager, Dementia Support.
“We’d love any local women in business who haven’t been to one of our events yet to sign up. It's free to join and event costs are covered by our generous sponsors. We just ask for a £5 donation on the day that goes directly to the running of the charity.”
Dementia Support has been chosen as Goodwood’s charity of choice for 2023 and 2024. As part of this Goodwood is supporting this initiative.
“It’s a pleasure to be invited to talk to so many inspirational local women across a diverse range of business sectors. It’s a brilliant initiative which allows more people to find out about the wonderful work of Dementia Support at Sage House. My own grandmother has dementia and I know how important it is to have the right care and support for her, as well as the wider family. Without the work of Dementia Support lots of local families wouldn’t have access to this. I’m committed to supporting them in any way that I can and I’m delighted to be here today” said Jess Brown-Fuller, District Councillor and Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester Constituency.

St. Richard’s Hospital and other Sussex Hospitals face huge maintenance backlog.
21st January 2024
Hospitals in Sussex, including St. Richard’s, face growing costs to ensure their buildings and facilities are safe. According to the most recent hospital repair data, Sussex NHS Foundation Trust needs £76.5 million to fix all its hospitals. £10.5million is needed to fix St. Richard’s alone.
The estimated cost to repair Britain’s NHS hospitals reached a record high of £11.6 billion last year, rising by over £1 billion. It comes as the NHS budget was slashed by £5 billion in real terms following the Autumn Statement. At the same time, the UK’s surgery and treatment waiting lists are near record highs at 7.7 million. At the start of the winter period West Sussex had the third worst NHS waiting times in the country with 165,460 local people on waiting lists in September 2023.
“Every day, I meet people who know someone waiting for hospital treatment. This Conservative government cannot keep ignoring statistics that demonstrate the shocking underinvestment in our national health service and the impact that is having on patients. The Liberal Democrats recognise that like other large national institutions, the NHS needs to adapt to changing times, technology, and practices – but it cannot be expected to do this with a lack of resources and political commitment. The NHS is one of the UK’s greatest achievements and the people that work in it are rightly proud of the difference they make. I am appalled that this government expects, even demands, that our “pandemic heroes” should have to make up for the underfunding of the NHS.” said Jess Brown-Fuller, the Liberal Democrat’s parliamentary candidate for Chichester.

Sewage dumping likely to dominate Chichester constituency electioneering.
20th Jan 2024
Jess Brown-Fuller, the Liberal Democrat’s Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester, promised television viewers last week to make cleaner seas and harbours a political priority. “We have a vast expanse of coastline and its being damaged by Southern Water dumping raw sewage”, she said on ITV Meridien’s Last Word on Thursday 18 January.
Jess was asked to appear on the political debate show as she is one of the Southeast of England’s Parliamentary Candidates most likely to defeat an existing Member of Parliament in the next General Election. According to last week’s YouGov very large poll, published in The Daily Telegraph, Jess is on target to overturn a Conservative parliamentary majority in Chichester for the first time in 100 years. Last year the Liberal Democrats won a thumping 25 Chichester District Council seats compared with the Conservatives total of just 5 seats and Labour failing to win any.
Jess knows, if she wins, the problem of sewage spills in the area will not be an easy one to solve. However, any MP for a coastal district, whose economy relies on tourism, must make it a top priority, she claims. Every year untreated sewage is dumped into Chichester and Pagham Harbours for thousands of hours and hundreds of sea swimmers fall ill around the UK, according to Surfers Against Sewage.
A new report by the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management criticises the government for repeated failures to implement environmental rules. The water experts call on the next government to undertake an independent investigation into water companies, claiming a fresh approach and new regulation is needed to tackle the crisis. https://www.ciwem.org/news/a-fresh-water-future-report-has-been-launched
Jess believes that Chichester, with its newly redrawn boundaries emphasizing its coastal nature, could become a leading example of how to manage drainage and sewage treatment more sustainably. According to Jess, there are many options that need to be implemented including making more space for run-off water, not allowing more homes to be built without evidence that there will be sufficient drainage capacity, ensuring consistent and transparent monitoring of our Harbours.
Jess said “It will take a really committed local MP and Council prepared to look at the long term and embrace proper strategic planning - instead of short term sound bites - to tackle fundamental infrastructure issues in our area, such as drainage. We need to act now and take the future seriously”.

Lib Dem candidate MP, Jess Brown-Fuller joins campaign to save Jessie Younghusband School.
17th Jan 2024
Late last year, a decision by the County Council to start a consultation about the future of Jessie Younghusband School (JYS) was suddenly announced. It seems that WSCC want to close this local school and transfer the pupils outside of their community to a new school in Minerva Heights. Hundreds of people have already signed a petition to save the only school in their area.
Dismayed JYS parents met this week with Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester constituency and Dr Kate O’Kelly, Liberal Democrat West Sussex County Councillor to discuss how best to ensure that the consultation process is fully transparent before, during and after its conclusion. JYS parents want to see the information that has been considered by WSCC to date – beyond the evident cost-savings driving this proposal.
Dr Kate O’Kelly immediately reached out to the WSCC’s Director of Children, Young People and Learning to strongly encourage her to meet with JYS parents urgently. Dr O’Kelly flagged the need to share with JYS parents the construction timeline of the new Minerva Heights school (MHS), the future catchment area assumptions affecting both JYS and MHS, the nature of other options considered and how exactly they have been fully explored, the active travel and safety implications of all the options with associated environmental impacts, and the nature and timing of scrutiny of any decision by WSCC.
After meeting with JYS parents and hearing their concerns, JESS said: “Jessie is a highly rated and popular community school, where most parents walk their children in. Moving location means that most parents will have to drive. That will add to the already significant traffic issues and associated environmental damage in Chichester. And there isn’t even parking provision at the new school, so there are safety issues that I’d like to be assured that WSCC has considered alongside the other factors listed by the parents. There is a legitimate fear that this JYS school relocation decision by WSCC is driven purely by cost considerations. I’m fully supportive of the school’s parents’ requests to be given all the data and information considered so far by WSCC in reaching this proposal. The consultation process has not been transparent, and I don’t think it
is helpful or democratic to withhold information from parents who just want to understand how the County Council came to this decision. The school’s community need to be in the loop and understand the narrative of how WSCC got to where they are”.
At their meeting at Chichester Liberal Democrats’ offices; JYS parents, Alexandra Robertson and Mike Callis, asked if Jess and Kate could help get a meeting arranged with the Director of Children’s at WSCC as soon as possible – and certainly before the consultation closes. Alex said: “It’s so important that all the parents can be fully informed, and we can all understand the situation from all angles. We just want the process to be fully transparent from the start. This popular school is at the heart of our community and plays such a big role in our lives, and those of our children. We’d like to thank both Jess and Kate for making time to meet with us so quickly, and for immediately taking action to help our campaign. We are now feeling really positive and ready to continue our efforts to save our school!”
Campaign to Save Jessie Younghusband School: https://www.savejessie.co.uk/
Petition to Save Jessie Younghusband School https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-proposed-relocation-of-jessie-younghusband-school
Jess Brown-Fuller, candidate MP for Chichester constituency https://www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk

Lib Dem candidate MP, Jess Brown-Fuller calls for emergency funding for local dentistry
10th Jan 2024
A recent poll found that more than 1 in every 10 people living in our area have been unable to go to work because they were waiting for an emergency dental appointment.
Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester constituency recently met with Mary Green, a practicing dentist in Chichester and an elected member of the English Council of the British Dental Association. Mary said, “I’m not surprised by these numbers. We see more and more people in pain and missing work because of dental issues every day. Many are desperate for treatment; but have been unable to even register with an NHS dentist.”
Access to dentistry was discussed at the Health and Adults Social Care (HASC) Committee at West Sussex County Council on 10 th January. Dr. Kate O’Kelly, Lib Dem County Councillor for Midhurst said “It is shocking to find that 25% of dentists in the area no longer take NHS patients at all. Our area is becoming a “dental desert”. WSCC research also shows that the main reason dentists are not taking NHS patients is that
the Government contract for NHS dentistry is not fit for purpose. Dr James Walsh Lib Dem Councillor for Littlehampton said, “if the contract is not reformed then we will see the end of NHS dentistry.”
Jess commented: “Quite apart from the economic impact of these shocking statistics; just spare a thought for the pain and discomfort that these local people are having to endure. I’m told that some people are so desperate that they have resorted to removing their own teeth.”
“I am appalled that in an advanced country, this Conservative government seems completely content to sit back and allow health services to crumble – and that applies in Chichester constituency too. The Conservatives are either so out of touch they cannot see how many people are struggling to access NHS health services, or they simply do not care.”
“The Autumn Statement was an opportunity to help people access NHS services and allow them to return to work so we can rescue our flatlining economy.”
Liberal Democrats called for an emergency funding boost in the Autumn Statement to urgently reform NHS dentistry to end dental deserts and DIY dentistry. But this was not agreed by Conservative MPs, including Gillian Keegan (Con), current MP for Chichester who voted in favour of the (unchanged) Statement.

Liberal Democrat candidate MP launches regular resident Surgeries.
6th January 2024
Jess Brown-Fuller, Lib Dem parliamentary candidate for Chichester constituency is well-known for having her “feet in the local community”. That’s why she is offering individual residents the opportunity to meet with her and discuss their views and issues.
Every first Friday of the month from 10:00-12:00, Jess is making appointments available to residents. As MPs are encouraged to spend Fridays in their constituencies, Jess will still make herself available for this service, if elected as your MP in the next General Election.
Jess said: “I firmly believe that it is the job of an MP to be available and accessible to their voters – to listen to people’s views and, if appropriate, to help resolve issues facing Chichester constituency residents. That’s why I am setting up this regular surgery.”
Surgeries are held at Chichester Liberal Democrats’ offices at Richard Cobden House, 1 Lion Street, Chichester, and Surgeries are confidential.
One of Jess’s first visitors this month commented: “It’s refreshing to be able to talk to someone who has made time to listen to my case. I have been trying for 4 years to get someone to listen – and Jess certainly did that!”
To book a 20 minute appointment with Jess – please:
1. e-mail: jess@chichesterlibdems.org.uk
2. Nominate the date (first Friday of each month) you’d like to meet.
3. Include your name, your ward and what you’d like to discuss.
More information:
Jess Brown-Fuller’s parliamentary campaign https://www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk

Jess Brown-Fuller joins East Wittering Big Dip in aid of the Scouts
1st January 2024
Jess Brown-Fuller, Lib Dem MP candidate for the Chichester constituency, joined nearly 400 other intrepid swimmers in plunging into the icy waves supported by many onlookers at East Wittering beach in aid of the local Scouts Groups. Jess braved the waves surrounded by adults and children of all ages, very many in fancy dress – including King Neptune. The event was supported by Fire & Rescue teams from East Wittering and Worthing stations.
Jess said, “It was a brilliant way to start 2024, taking part in the Big Dip and raising money for the scouts. It was a great thrill to be involved in such an amazing community endeavour and to be surrounded by so many people, like me, who value our local beaches. We need to clean up our harbour in Chichester – we all deserve better”

Lib Dem MP candidate Jess Brown-Fuller joins in the fun at Pagham pram race
26th December 2023
Lib Dem parliamentary candidate for Chichester constituency, Jess Brown-Fuller was delighted to judge the entries at this year’s world renowned Boxing Day Pagham Pram Race.
Jess said: “I was so impressed by the creativity and ingenuity of all the entries. It was a very difficult choice; but in the end I gave First Prize to: “Australia’s Flood Animal Rescue team” and Second Prize to: “The Elton Johns”. Everyone is having so much fun. It’s great to be a part of this fabulous community event. I’ve met so many happy people and my family are having a great trip out too.”
Local Pagham residents, Richard and Sally Gray commented: “Pagham is the newest ward to join the Chichester constituency – so it was fitting that Jess Brown-Fuller was here with us on Boxing Day morning, supporting the oldest pram race in the world. She enjoyed meeting local residents, who seemed pleased to extend a warm Pagham welcome to Jess.”

Lib Dems demand urgent reinstatement of local dementia services.
23rd December 2023
The Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust last week announced that it will be reducing its dementia assessment diagnostic services and its services for patients with complex needs until March. The charity sector and WSCC Adult Social Services are expected to just pick up the extra responsibility for these services, supporting the individuals and the families of those affected.
The reasons given by the Trust are: to protect patient safety, prioritise urgent and emergency care and achieve financial balance. That’s management speak for “there’s such a shortage of NHS employed workers in this sector that the Trust is having to pay high rates for agency staff and has run out of money to do so”.
So, in an obvious example of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”, our NHS Trust has decided to cut the dementia services and transfer the staff and the money it “saves” away from the some of the most vulnerable and needy members of our community.
To ensure that those reliant upon these services are not abandoned – it falls to the charity sector to scramble to try to fill some of the gap. Thank goodness for Sage House! But they won’t be able to absorb all the people affected, and what they can do is dependent upon them raising sufficient emergency donations.
Dr. Kate O’Kelly, Liberal Democrat County Councillor for Midhurst division has requested an urgent review from WSCC on the consequences of the NHS Trust’s reduction of dementia services on their Adult Social Care services.
Dr. O’Kelly has worked in both the Memory Assessment and Complex Dementia Services Teams and is keen to pay tribute to how hard the teams work to support the most vulnerable and their families.
Commenting on the NHS Trust’s announcement, Dr. O’Kelly said: “What’s clear is that we cannot just abandon these individuals and their families. A delayed diagnosis means a delay in support for families. For the individuals affected, a delay in treatment could easily mean further progression of dementia earlier – leading to more care needed sooner. If the individuals with more complex dementia have less support from the dementia services, then it will fall to the overstretched Adult Social Care teams to support them as best they can. The Adults Service are already looking at long waiting times for urgent assessments. The impact of these changes will mean many more of these individuals will end up back in an acute hospital which is the last place they should be.”
Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for the Chichester constituency comments: “The whole merry-go-round of under-funding of public services coupled with attempts to pass-on responsibility for the most vulnerable in our society is symptomatic of a general feeling that “Broken Britain” has come to West Sussex - and now its directly impacting local residents and their families, struggling to provide the care their loved ones need and deserve. I don’t believe it has to be like this. The Lib Dems advocate a joined-up, robust and compassionate policy of integrating better-funded social care and NHS care. No more hospital bed-blocking, no more residents who need dementia services being side-lined. No more arguments about who pays. It’s all one budget. The two separate budgets and obligations of NHS and Adult Social Services would become one – with no robbing of one to pay the other”.

Jess Brown-Fuller celebrates Christmas and looks forward to a happier 2024
19th December 2023
Residents in the Chichester constituency have suffered a miserable 2023 with a cost of living crisis, unprecedented levels of sewage discharge into the harbour and an NHS which is on its knees. Nevertheless, Jess Brown-Fuller, prospective Lib Dem parliamentary candidate for the constituency, is looking forward to a much more positive 2024. She said,
“With the Lib Dems now in power in Chichester District Council, and a probable general election next year, the future can only look brighter”.

West Sussex Third Worst in Country for NHS Wait Times
14th December 2023
Data sourced by Lib Dems from House of Commons Library Shows Poor Health of local NHS
West Sussex has the third worse NHS waiting times in the country with 165,460 people on waiting lists in September 2023. This amounts to 177 people per 1,000 of the population according to data,sourced from the House of Commons Library.
“People in our district deserve better. Having a Cabinet Minister as the current MP has done the Chichester Constituency no good. More people in West Sussex are waiting for NHS treatment than almost anywhere else in the country. That is why I’m calling for urgent investment in the NHS to bring down waiting lists as the health service deals with yet another winter crisis under this Conservative government” said Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate Jess Brown-Fuller.
This comes at a time when there are grave concerns about the NHS’s ability to cope with the busy winter period. Dozens of hospital trusts have already registered critical incidents as they are unable to match the levels of need from the public with the resources available to them.
Dr Tim Cooksley, former president of the Society for Acute Medicine, said to the Independent recently:
“Undoubtedly we will see more older patients enduring prolonged degrading periods of corridor care and many people experiencing difficult symptoms whilst they sit on elective waiting lists.
“Most hospitals are already experiencing chaotic and dangerous scenarios.”
He added that there was “a lack of understanding of the gravity of the situation” from new health secretary Victoria Atkins.
As well as lengthy wait times for specialist appointments and well reported issues around accessing GP appointments, the latest NHS data for A&E waiting times shows that 44,655 people, or more than 1,400 a day, were forced to wait at least 12 hours in A&E in October before being admitted, transferred or discharged. This is woefully below government targets and a situation considered dangerous and unacceptable by many.
“The current administration’s failure and broken promises to bring down the NHS backlogs is having a devastating impact on our community. Far too many people face anxious waits for medical treatment and are being made to suffer unnecessarily because of the cavalier attitude of ministers with access to private medical insurance. Chichester deserves better and this must be addressed urgently” said Brown-Fuller

Cost of living crisis ‘out of control’ says Jess Brown-Fuller
11th December 2023
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester urges government action
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester, Jess Brown-Fuller, has called on the government to take urgent, adequate action to address the cost-of-living crisis in Chichester; where working families are accessing foodbank services to try to cope.
Recent data from Chichester Food Bank shows that 5,523 people accessed the foodbank from January – October inclusive this year, an increase of 18 per cent from the same period last year. Additionally, 2,113 children were provided with emergency food, a rise of 21% from the same period last year. More than a fifth of those accessing Foodbank services in the Chichester area in 2023 were not on benefits. This reliance on emergency foodbanks by those who are in work highlights the real crisis facing many in the Chichester area this winter.
As the school Christmas holidays approach, families with young children are especially feeling the pressure of this out-of-control cost of living crisis. Despite going without essentials like heating and toiletries, many of these working families cannot keep up with the soaring costs of private rental, inflation at the supermarket and energy bills.
Jess comments: “While we all applaud the wonderful support and generosity of foodbank donors and volunteers, it is a sad fact that today ordinary people find themselves increasingly, through no fault of their own, reliant on charity to feed their families. There are just too many families falling through the cracks. It’s a failure of government that this service is even needed. Right now, emergency food parcels are needed more than ever by Chichester constituents and the government must act immediately to resign food poverty in the UK to a thing of the Victorian era, where it belongs. The government must take urgent, adequate action now to ensure hard working families in Chichester can feed their children”.

Jess Brown-Fuller visits Young Peoples Shop
7th December 2023
Jess Brown-Fuller visits Chichester’s Young People’s Shop and calls for Government to reverse cuts to young people’s mental health services
According to recent data released by the NHS, about 1 in 5 children and young people aged 8 to 25 years had a probable mental disorder in 2023. At the same time, those children are finding it harder to access support due to cuts in NHS funding. Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate visited local charity Young People’s Shop, to highlight the work the organisation is doing to plug those gaps for young people locally and call for the government to reverse cuts to essential mental health services for children and young people.
Young People’s Shop (YPS), provides a safe space for young people facing mental health problems, offering counselling and emotional support.
Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester Constituency said “The alarming reductions in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) across the Chichester Constituency, caused by the current administration’s cuts in NHS services, is having a terrible impact on young people locally, leaving them without the necessary support they so desperately need. This not only affects vulnerable young people’s well-being but also places an immense pressure on their families and communities and negatively impacts their long-term prospects. It’s therefore vital to highlight the brilliant work that Young People’s Shop does and support their mission, while calling on the government to reverse funding cuts to essential mental health services for children and young people”
“We’re delighted to showcase the amazing work undertaken at our venue in Chichester’s South Street by our incredible team of staff and volunteers. While our work is immensely rewarding, we are currently plugging a gap left by recent cuts to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services that are putting the long-term prospects of our local young people in jeopardy. No young person should have to struggle alone, and we offer free, confidential support to those aged 11-25 with their mental health issues across both Chichester and Arun districts.” said Cathy Burnard, CEO, Young People’s Shop.
To access YPS services click here,
To donate to YPS click here
Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign to become MP for Chichester: www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk/say-yes-to-jess/home
Young People’s Shop https://yps-south.org.uk/

Chichester’s MP votes down sewage sickness compensation scheme
5th December 2023
Chichester Liberal Democrats have slammed Gillian Keegan for voting against a compensation scheme for swimmers who get sick from sewage.
The amendment to the Victims and Prisoners Bill, tabled by Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron, would have allowed anyone who gets sick as a result of illegal sewage dumping to claim compensation from water companies. However, it was voted down in the Commons on Monday 4 December after MPs, including Gillian Keegan voted against it.
This vote comes despite a recent report which found a staggering 1,924 cases of people getting sick due to suspected sewage pollution over the last year, nearly triple the number of cases reported in the previous year.
Jess Brown-Fuller Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate for Chichester said:
“It’s shameful that Gillian Keegan and this Conservative government have once again put water companies’ profits before people’s health.
“It is a complete slap in the face to all those in Chichester constituency who expect their MP to stand up and fight for them, instead of for massive companies who have dumped filthy sewage into our harbours, rivers and waterways.
“The Liberal Democrats have exposed the sewage scandal and will continue to hold these polluting firms to account even if Gillian Keegan refuses to."
West Wittering’s Toby Wilsher from the sea-swimming group The Jolly Swimmers commented. “It is a sad state of affairs when swimmers are falling seriously sick from sewage while water company bosses trouser millions in bonuses”.
West Wittering’s Toby Wilsher from the sea-swimming group The Jolly Swimmers commented. “It is a sad state of affairs when swimmers are falling seriously sick from sewage while water company bosses trouser millions in bonuses”.
Find out more:

“Plant a tree for your children’s future”, says Jess Brown-Fuller
2nd December 2023
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester urges environmental action
Liberal Democrat-run Chichester District Council has announced that it is extending its successful tree-planting scheme through to 2024. The scheme is part of the council's ambition to tackle climate change and support the district's wildlife and environmental resilience. Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester District urges everyone who hasn’t yet accessed this scheme to do so to help achieve the district’s environmental goals.
Since launching in January 2021, nearly 25,000 trees have been planted across the district with the aim of restocking felled areas and increasing wildlife habitats.
“This is an amazing initiative with community action at its heart. The loss of trees has been felt across the breadth of Chichester constituency, from ash die back on the South Downs to the coastal erosion experienced at Chichester Harbour AONB, which is also being negatively impacted by the persistent sewage discharges by Southern Water. What this scheme provides is a tangible way for residents to take action and positively impact the local environment” said Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester District.
“I encourage everyone who hasn’t already made use of this scheme to get involved and take action to create a brighter future for our children.” Said Brown-Fuller
If you are interested in progressing a tree-planting project - whether it is a community initiative or on private land, Get involved by emailing treescheme@chichester.gov.uk or calling 012432 521161 and the Tree Project Officer will be pleased to help.

Jess Brown-Fuller applauds City Sounds Music Festival
25th November 2023
Chichester residents, visitors and businesses enjoyed a fabulous afternoon and evening of music on Saturday at eight venues across the city, entertained by over 40 artists. Chichester resident Chris Simmons, a professional musician, created the festival which gives both young emerging artists and recognised bands a stage. What’s more it provided local pubs, venues and businesses a welcome boost after a few very difficult years for the hospitality sector.
City Sounds is supported by Chichester District Council whose Cabinet Member for Culture & Events (and Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate for the Chichester area), Jess Brown-Fuller, said:
“We are really excited to welcome back City Sounds today. The first festival last year was a terrific success with venues reporting a 300% increase in trade on the day. I’m sure this will have been far exceeded today and am so pleased that residents and visitors have enjoyed the high quality, free entertainment that we’ve been able to give local musicians a stage to showcase their talent”.
The Council continues to support the regeneration of Chichester, especially its evening and night-time economy. City Sounds provided a great afternoon and evening’s entertainment for all ages and musical tastes with a focus on the under-18’s, an
emerging talent in an age group that rarely gets access to festivals.
Jane Pourguri, Director of Sales, Chichester Harbour Hotel, said, “It’s great to see the night-time economy invigorated in Chichester and we hope that these sorts of initiatives help businesses like ours showcase the brilliant things Chichester has to offer.”
Jess Brown-Fuller said “I am incredibly proud that we were able to support City Sounds Music Festival, it was a fantastic day and has really put Chichester on the map as a vibrant, creative and entertaining city. I give my heartfelt thanks to everyone who made it a success.”

Lib Dems congratulated for vital progress on Local Plan
26th November 2023
Since taking control of the District Council in May 2023, the Lib Dems have made it a top priority to get a Local Plan in place. The Local Plan was 3 years overdue as of May 2023 – after 7 years of too slow work by the previous Tory administration. The lack of a Local Plan has been a key gap in the area’s ability to resist planning applications from property developers.
It’s clear that the new Lib Dem-led District Council has been shaking things up with a much more forceful approach to getting the Local Plan in place. They have been insisting on meetings – at times weekly - with District Council staff, statutory bodies, government departments and political figures to unblock issues and barriers, which should have been addressed years ago. Refreshingly, some of these meetings have included representatives from other political parties; to ensure that there is cross-party buy-in and long-lasting support for the solutions brokered.
Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester constituency Jess Brown-Fuller comments: “I am delighted to see the impact that a Lib Dem administration is having on the critically important Local Plan. I know how hard the District Lib Dems are working to deal with the many challenges they have uncovered on the Local Plan since taking office in May 2023. Their determination, new approach and refusal to take no for an answer is like a breath of fresh air. By unlocking the deadlock, we will be seeing a Local Plan finally get over the line in the new year. Like many in our area, I’m anxious to see a stop on the deluge of speculative and inappropriate development proposals that have been blighting our area for years.”
Deputy Leader of Chichester District Council, Jonathan Brown said: “this government’s shambolic national housing policy and the failure of Michael Gove (Secretary of State) to deliver on his promise to give councils like Chichester the power to block inappropriate development has made forceful political leadership at local level even more critical to protect our area from speculative developers. I’m delighted that Jess Brown-Fuller is committed to work with Helen Morgan, Liberal Democrat MP to overhaul the country’s planning and housing policy – so that Chichester and Arun District Councils can better reflect the needs and wants of this constituency’s residents”.

Lib Dems outraged at Southern Water’s inadequate plan to solve sewage crisis and Conservative move to pass infrastructure costs to households
19th November 2023
Liberal Democrats are furious that sewage spills have become a way of life since privatisation of the water companies. Storm overflow spills have been especially bad in Chichester constituency over the last few weeks due to the lack of
investment by Southern Water in sewerage infrastructure. Chichester’s waterways are paying the price of this under-investment, and the government just stands by.
Jess Brown-Fuller, Chichester’s parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats said: “as far as I’m concerned, dumping raw sewage under any circumstance is environmental vandalism. The Tories are letting Southern Water get away with this
“legal” sewage dumping – while paying lip-service to the concerns and outrage of residents. Southern Water’s 12 year plan to tackle this disgusting problem makes a mockery of residents’ calls for urgent action and investment”.
Conservative backed move to pass infrastructure costs to households is wrong. The water companies have taken £56bn in profits since privatisation – but now they claim they can’t afford to invest. So, bill payers are being asked to invest - that’s why the Tories support an increase of £156 in the water bills of every household – to finance the sewage infrastructure that we were promised at privatisation, and which is now so urgently overdue.
Bianca Carr, co-founder of Clean Harbour Partnership commented: “I’m pleased there will be a cash injection into Southern Water’s infrastructure to reduce storm overflows but incredibly disappointed that customers are going to have to pay for it, and that Southern Water still don’t accept the chronic under investment in their infrastructure over the past decade, whilst reaping enormous profits”.
It is clear that voters have had enough, and that a different approach is needed. That’s why Jess Brown-Fuller and the Liberal Democrats are calling for a “sewage tax” on water companies’ profits, a ban on their executives’ bonuses, and to turn
Southern Water into a public benefit company.
These measures will ensure that profits are re-invested in the infrastructure we need to stop raw sewage being dumped in our waterways, having to be tankered away from overflowing drains located in residential housing estates, or cleaned up
after backing up through domestic toilets into local homes. These are radical policies – but are well-overdue on an industry that has been allowed to get away with profiteering from its environmental vandalism for too long.

Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Chichester honours the fallen
12th November 2023
On Remembrance Sunday Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for the Chichester, laid a wreath on behalf of the Royal Marines.
This Sunday was especially poignant for Jess who lost her close friend, Corporal David O’Connor, when he was killed in action whilst on tour in Afghanistan.
“I feel honoured to have the opportunity to lay a wreath on behalf of the Royal Marines every year and to remember my very dear friend, Dave. It is humbling to see communities come together to pay their respects every year. It was my community that supported me and gave me strength when Dave was killed in action” said Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester.
“Remembrance Sunday has a particularly special meaning to our constituency with the 2000 active members of the armed services and their families based here at Thorney Island. We’re proud to be a constituency with an active military base, and where six per cent of the population are veterans” continued Jess.
The Liberal Democrats launched their Armed Forces policy in September. This new policy provides a fair deal for armed forces personnel, veterans and their families.
The policy covers:
- Strengthening the Armed Forces: Cancelling the Conservative Government’s Army cuts and Placing a legal duty on government departments to give due regard to the Armed Forces covenant, the Covenant can be found here.
- Improving Housing: Rigorously reviewing maintenance contracts for Ministry of Defence housing and establishing a minimum quality standard for Single Living Accommodation.
- Empowering Families: Establishing a centralised information hub for families of service personnel. Reaching an agreement with the European Union for reciprocal access to spousal employment for families of service personnel.
- Promoting Diversity: Reviewing Armed Forces recruitment processes to boost diversity within the Forces, ensuring that steps are taken to foster a more inclusive environment.
- Protecting Women: Implementing the recommendations of the Atherton Report on women in the Armed Forces.
More information:
Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign to become MP for Chichester: www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk/say-yes-to-jess/home
More information on the policy: https://www.libdems.org.uk/news/article/a-fair-deal-for-our-armed-forces-community
Royal British Legion Remembrance Sunday Poppy Appeal: https://www.britishlegion.org.uk

Liberal Democrats frustrated at lack of action by County Council on water quality
8th November, 2023
The Liberal Democrats are asking West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to stand up for residents as a strong voice against a government that appears to be abandoning its major environmental commitments. Only last week the government showed it is still doing little to stop river and waterway pollution in announcing it will diverge from the EU’s standards for monitoring water quality in England.
The Liberal Democrats submitted a proposal in September, asking the Council to set up a working group on water quality, supply and sewage, all of which would involve local councils, water companies and community interest groups working closely together. The Conservative leadership prevented the debate happening, saying it was unnecessary, as they were developing their own proposals. Yet no further information has been forthcoming in public, and further enquiries of Cabinet Members have drawn a blank.
Jess Brown-Fuller, Liberal Democrat candidate for Chichester constituency “We desperately need more urgent action on sewage. Chichester District’s population has grown by around 10% in a decade. We’ve had a great deal of unplanned development forced on us by the Government’s unrealistic targets, dysfunctional planning system and failure to deliver on promises to reform it. We need the Government to recognise the reality of how the current system is working – or rather failing. We cannot continue with planning appeal inspectors overlooking our lack of sewage treatment capacity. Because of historic underinvestment in sewage processing, this area represents something like a quarter of all sewage overflows in West Sussex.”
Kirsty Lord, Leader of the Liberal Democrats at WSCC, said: “We need action fast. The Conservative government isn’t taking charge of this problem. That’s why we proposed the county council takes a lead on action and set up a group to tackle not just sewage but water quality, nitrates, water supply and flood management. The Conservatives told us they didn’t need to debate our plan because they were already preparing to do this, but since then nothing has happened to indicate anything will be happening soon. We need to get all the local Councils, Southern Water and the Environment Agency together and help them debate and create an action plan that works. We’ve already waited too long for action to improve every aspect of water quality for all our residents.”
Andrew Kerry-Bedell, Liberal Democrat County Councillor for Bourne said, “Sadly, direct action on this country’s sewage scandal has been left to local people to try and tackle. Liberal Democrat councillors have been working behind the scenes with Southern Water for three years to take action on desperately needed sewage capacity improvements. This has worked, with the company submitting definitive plans recently to Ofwat to improve sewage capacity at the most restricted of Chichester’s sewage works. Once OFWAT approves the plans next year, this means that we could finally move forward and build more of the affordable houses that local people need, and in the places they want them.”

Ed Davey visits Chichester to Support Jess Brown-Fuller
2nd November, 2023
Ed Davey, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, chose to visit Chichester on Wednesday 1st November to launch Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign to be elected as MP for Chichester at the next General Election (widely touted for 2024).
The Liberal Democrats are fighting to unseat Gillian Keegan (Secretary of State for Education) and her Conservative party from Chichester.
In May 2023, the Liberal Democrats routed the Conservatives from Chichester District Council. The Liberal Democrats now have a huge majority of 25 of 36 district councillors’ seats and the Tories were reduced to only 5 seats.
Huge numbers of previously Conservative voters in Chichester have told the Lib Dems that they want to use their vote to say YES to the Lib Dems’ radical sewage and environment policies – and so address the disgusting environmental vandalism that is blighting Chichester constituency.
Right across the constituency, voters are telling us that they want to say YES to the Lib Dems’ housing policy, which will protect local communities like ours against speculative property developers and prevent house building on flood-plain arable land.
Local people are furious about the undermining of their beloved NHS. Chichester residents are pledging their vote to Jess Brown-Fuller and the Liberal Democrats’ unwavering commitment to the NHS, its patients, and its wonderful staff.
Gillian Keegan had a majority of 21,490 majority at the December 2019 General Election – which requires a 17.5% swing for the Liberal Democrats to win in 2024. The Liberal Democrats have over-turned majorities far bigger than this – especially in constituencies where there is effectively NO Labour presence. And that’s the case for Chichester. There are 0 Labour District councillors, only 1 Labour City Councillor and a complete absence of an effective local party support team – hence a designation from Labour HQ of Chichester as a non-priority seat for Labour. Only last weekend Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, David Lammy spontaneously offered his assessment of Conservative Gillian Keegan’s chances when he said on his LBC radio show: “Chichester: it looks like Gillian Keegan is in trouble. It looks like the Liberal Democrats will win Chichester”.
In Chichester, the Liberal Democrats were voted-in to run the City Council. The Liberal Democrats were voted-in to run Chichester District Council. Neither the Labour party, nor the Greens can win in Chichester. Even senior Labour figures are predicting a win for the Liberal Democrats in 2024. That’s because Liberal Democrats have a fabulous and truly local candidate in Jess Brown-Fuller – who is passionate about putting Chichester First, who listens to local voters and who advocates the policies that local voters want to see on issues they hold most dear.
It's no surprise that Ed Davey, Leader of the national Liberal Democrats party wants to come to Chichester and be associated with the woman widely touted as the next MP for Chichester!

Jess Brown-Fuller joins in the Halloween fun with her family
31st October, 2023
Just like many families across Chichester constituency, Jess Brown-Fuller has been getting dressed up and joining in the fun of Halloween with her young children.
Jess said: “Halloween is a special time in our household as we go a bit mad on decorating the house. Spiders, cobwebs, pumpkin-carving, party games and even fake smoke when the Dracula-door bell rings are all part of Halloween for the Brown-Fullers. We love this family-time together and I’ve really enjoyed seeing so many kids and adults dressed-up when I’ve been knocking on doors this week to introduce myself to voters across Chichester. The spooky doorbells make me laugh”.

Jess Brown-Fuller calls on Government to make good on promise to give Chichester District Council powers to block wrong development.
24th October, 2023
Residents of Chichester could be forgiven for being somewhat baffled by Andrew Griffith’s piece in last week’s Chichester Observer, when he trumpeted again the much promised (since December 2022) planning reforms contained in the
Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. Mr Griffith drew our attention to the potential of brownfield development in the area – but given there is hardly any land categorised as such in Chichester – this is irrelevant here.
Oddly, Mr Griffith made no mention of the key reform that the people of Chichester constituency are actually most interested in, and who anxiously await its confirmation of inclusion in the Bill. That reform is Secretary of State Michael
Gove's promise to give local authorities - including Chichester’s District Council – the power to stop developments they consider to be inappropriate and wrong in their locality.
As the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester, Jess is committed to halting inappropriate and wrong development anywhere in the constituency:
- Jess has written directly to Michael Gove, calling on him to urgently make good on his much publicised promise to give local councils like Chichester the power to stop wrong development.
- Jess strongly supports Chichester District Council in fast tracking the delivery of the Local Plan (which was three years’ overdue when the Lib Dems took over in May 2023) and the protection this will give against wrong development in the area.
- Jess is working with Helen Morgan, Liberal Democrat MP for North Shropshire, to overhaul the country’s planning and housing policy – so that local councils can better reflect the needs and wants of their residents.
Jess said: “Having promised these powers would be made available to Chichester almost a year ago, it would be an outrage if the Conservative government now fails to deliver them. We cannot allow the Conservatives to allow profit-hungry developers to destroy our beautiful countryside with inappropriate developments, which will negatively impact thousands of local people, their environment, and their livelihoods. It’s just wrong”.
For more information on Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign to become MP for Chichester: www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk/say-yes-to-jess/home

Jess Brown-Fuller slams “scandal” of local NHS waiting lists
Friday 20th October, 2023
Waiting lists for diagnostic tests in the University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust (which includes St Richards in Chichester) reached 28.6% in July 2023, up almost 25% from June 2019. Those waiting over six weeks for diagnostic tests like MRI and CT scans reached 27.9%, where the NHS target is fewer than 1%.
Chichester Liberal Democrats are calling for an expansion of community diagnostic centres to bring services closer to where people live and ensure they can be seen more quickly.
The party is also calling for the right of everyone to see their GP in seven days by increasing the number of appointments and the number of GPs by 8,000. In addition, the Lib Dems have called for investment in new hospital equipment to ensure that
patients get the first-class treatment they deserve.
Jess Brown-Fuller, Chichester Lib Dem’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Chichester, said, “What this Conservative government has done to the NHS is nothing short of a national scandal. Thousands of patients in Chichester are forced to wait in pain and discomfort, anxiously wondering when they will get a diagnosis, let alone treatment.
“Ministers are missing in action in this NHS crisis and its patients in Chichester who are suffering. We need urgent action to get on top of this mess, end these appalling delays and ensure our community get the local health service it deserves.”
Improving access to the NHS is something Jess feels very deeply about: very sadly she lost her father to cancer when he was unable to access diagnostic and treatment services during the pandemic. She said, “Nothing is more important than your health and we deserve and NHS that works.”
Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign to become MP for Chichester: www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk/say-yes-to-jess/home
NHS Diagnostic test waiting lists data set: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b_qG48SrLll1Ym4rbTrMdjFKuO7j-yX3/edit?pli=1#gid=2095380301

Liberal Democrats support Stonepillow’s “Big Sleep Out”
Saturday 14 th October, 2023
Chichester has a reputation of being a comfortable, affluent city but the reality is that it has dozens of local people who are having to sleep rough every night. Hundreds more are sofa-surfing, sleeping in cars, vulnerably housed or at risk of eviction.
Stonepillow is a Chichester-based charity that supports and empowers homeless and vulnerable people to achieve sustainable independence and well-being. 430 people are currently using its services, an increase of 123% over the last five years and, over the last year, there has been a 50% increase of users of its day hubs.
The Big Sleep Out is Stonepillow’s major annual fund-raising event.
On Saturday night many members of our local community stepped outside their comfort zone by sleeping in home-made shelters alongside Chichester Cathedral. This will bring just a small insight into what being homeless is really like, particularly as we head into the wind, rain and freezing temperatures of the winter months.
On Saturday afternoon, Jess Brown-Fuller, prospective Lib Dem Parliamentary candidate for Chichester, went to support James Vivian, Chichester Central’s Councillor (Lib Dem) in Stonepillow’s “Big Sleep Out”. They were joined by Hilary Bartle, Stonepillow’s Chief Executive, and Chichester West’s Councillor (Lib Dem) Clare Apel, founding member and Trustee of Stonepillow.
James was all set to spend the night in a shelter that he created himself, and with temperatures due to drop to 4 degrees overnight, he was dressed up warmly. James appreciated that his involvement would not replicate the dreadful experience of rough sleeping, but hoped that his actions, along with that of his co-sleepers, would raise both funds and awareness of the utter desperation of the homeless.
James said, “In participating in the Big Sleep Out, I’m hoping to play even a small part in preventing someone from having to sleep rough this year.”
Jess Brown-Fuller, the Liberal Democrats’ prospective parliamentary candidate for Chichester, explained that the Lib Dems are setting a national target for building social homes of 150,000 a year to be built by the end of the next parliament. This target would be supported by new powers for local authorities and a voice for local people.
More information
Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign to become MP for Chichester: www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk/say-yes-to-jess/home
Stonepillow: https://stonepillow.org.uk/

Jess Brown-Fuller calls for sewage tax on Southern Water.
Saturday 30th September, 2023
Residents and visitors in Chichester’s rivers and coastal communities are disgusted to learn that Southern Water continues to dump untreated sewage locally. Latest government data reveals that Southern Water discharged 2,731 spills across 44,589 hours from Chichester’s outfall stations over 2021/22.
Jess met West Wittering’s Toby Wilsher from the sea-swimming group The Jolly Swimmers, this weekend. After braving the waters together, Jess heard from Toby Wilsher about his health fears of swimming in sewage-polluted waters, and the devastation of local sea and shore habitats and wildlife.
Jess said: “I share our community’s dismay and disgust about this environmental vandalism. Sewage in our rivers and seas is the biggest environmental scandal of the day. The government is letting water firms get away with destroying swimming spots and wildlife habitats - all whilst pocketing outrageous profits. By failing to act, this Conservative government is literally rewarding these firms for environmental
As the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester, Jess is committed to putting an end to sewage dumping by:
- Endorsing national policy work by Tim Farron MP and Liberal Democrat Environment spokesperson to reset the country’s water industry – which will include a sewage tax and punitive fines on polluters like Southern Water – to make it fit for purpose.
- Supporting Chichester’s Liberal Democrat County Councillors’ calls to WSCC to improve water quality and supply across West Sussex.
- Encouraging Carolyn Roberts, emeritus professor at Gresham College in her class action legal case against the water companies’ abuse of their monopolies and failure to reveal the true scale of raw sewage discharge in England and Wales
Jess said: “The public have had enough. The blame lies squarely with the Conservatives – including Gillian Keegan, Chichester’s MP - who consistently vote against Liberal Democrat motions to get to grips with this vandalism – because the Conservatives simply don’t care enough about our water and our waterways. Protecting the environment is in every Liberal Democrats’ DNA. That’s why we are committed to stopping the water companies’ pollution and forcing them to put planet before profit.
Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign to become MP for Chichester: www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk/say-yes-to-jess/home
Class action lawsuit against water companies: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/aug/09/public-could-receive-hundreds-of-millions-as-water-firms-face-sewage-lawsuit
Event Duration Monitoring – Storm overflows Government data https://www.data.gov.uk/dataset/19f6064d-7356-466f-844e-d20ea10ae9fd/event-duration-monitoring-storm-overflows-annual-returns
Greenpeace report on UK sewage pollution: https://unearthed.greenpeace.org/2023/07/31/sewage-uk-water-pollution/

Jess Brown-Fuller calls for support of our local NHS heroes.
Friday 22nd September, 2023
There is no issue closer to the hearts of local residents than our NHS. As waiting lists hit record highs last week, people living in Chichester are now anxious about the impact of doctors’ strikes at St. Richard’s Hospital.
There are now a record 7.4 million people on NHS waiting lists across England. Nearly 40% of patients spend longer that four hours in A&E (the target is 5%). Hospital wards are almost at capacity and ambulance waiting times are at an all time high. Doctors desperate to save the NHS have announced a series of strikes over the next few weeks and a third have said they plan to leave the UK within the next 12 months. Already one in ten posts are unfilled.
Jess said, “You can’t help but be in awe of the heroes that kept our NHS going through the pandemic. But after the covid crisis was over, the extent of the Government’s underfunding of the NHS was laid bare. Our local paramedics, nurses and doctors are over-worked, short-staffed and under-paid. They are leaving the profession or the UK, due to unrelenting pressure, made worse by this Conservative Government’s refusal to pay a decent wage to these highly trained and dedicated medical staff”.
As the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester, Jess is committed to fighting to save the NHS, especially in the Chichester constituency. She said,
“Like all of us, I want the NHS to be the best it can be for everyone in our community and for hard-working medical staff. As your MP, you’ll see me fight for our local NHS, not my political career”. That’s why I’m launching a petition today to support our NHS, especially in Chichester – that I will be taking to Steve Barclay, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, alongside a demand to agree A FAIR DEAL for our pandemic medical heroes.
Find Jess’s petition to support our NHS and demand a FAIR DEAL for our pandemic heroes www.tinyurl.com/YEStoJESS-NHS
Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign: www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk/say-yes-to-jess/home
Data on medical staff emigration and doctors’ pay: https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-how-many-uk-doctors-are-going-abroad-and-how-does-pay-compare

Jess Brown-Fuller fights back against speculative development plans.
Friday 15th September, 2023
Residents living in Chichester constituency’s coastal communities are up in arms about the long list of speculative development proposals blighting the area. More than 75% of residents in the Chichester constituency are affected.
Jess said: “I share our community’s frustration and anxiety about the deluge of developer applications in our area. This is a dreadful situation. We all deserve so much better.”
As the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester, Jess is committed to halting wrong development in the coastal areas by:
- Writing directly to Michael Gove, calling on him to urgently make good on his much publicised promise to give local councils like Chichester the power to stop wrong development.
- Supporting Chichester District Council in fast tracking the delivery of the Local Plan (which was three years’ overdue when the Lib Dems took over in May 2023) and the protection this will give against wrong development in the area.
- Working with Helen Morgan, Liberal Democrat MP to overhaul the country’s planning and housing policy – so that local councils can better reflect the needs and wants of their residents.
Jess said: “We cannot allow profit-hungry developers to destroy our beautiful countryside with inappropriate developments, which will negatively impact thousands of local people, their environment, and their livelihoods. It’s just wrong”.
For more information on Jess Brown-Fuller’s campaign to become MP for Chichester: www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk/say-yes-to-jess/home
The letter sent to Mr Gove by Jess Brown-Fuller:
Dear Mr Gove
I initially welcomed your statement of 5th December 2022 concerning the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, promising qualifying local councils the power to stop inappropriate planning developments – but I am dismayed that your much publicised promise has yet to materialise into tangible action.
Chichester urgently needs the powers you promised to prevent further destruction across our constituency.
In the absence of these powers, we have seen a developer free-for-all; especially in our coastal wards which are home to Chichester Harbour AONB, Pagham Harbour’s Site of Special Scientific Interest and the famous National Trust beach at East Head, West Wittering. Many developer sites are on flood plains, are rich in agricultural land and host precious land and sea habitats. None have the infrastructure to cope with the deluge of houses being applied for. Just 1⁄4 of Chichester constituency’s land mass must host ALL of the Government imposed targets for new houses here. Current national planning and housing policy is inadequate – and is leading to the irreversible destruction of one of the most beautiful constituencies in England.
Chichester’s Local Plan is at an advanced stage - qualifying Chichester for special consideration.
As at May 2023, Chichester’s Local Plan was running 3 years’ overdue – but is now being fast-tracked in an attempt to secure protection from predatory developers’ proposals. Chichester must be able to take immediate advantage of the 4 year housing land supply and the two year review period to enable us to consult with our communities, assess issues around housing demand, the environment, infrastructure, flood risk and continued release of untreated sewage into our rivers, harbours, and sea. We support the need for housing to support genuine local need and affordable housing for our young residents who are currently being excluded from living here. Our aim is to build homes that people want without damaging the environment, tourism, or community cohesion. Our residents are fed up with speculative planning applications that are approved by Council or the Planning Inspector when it is clear they are unsustainable.
Please protect Chichester’s unique area now - by immediately enacting the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill’s local council powers to stop inappropriate development
Yours sincerely
Jess Brown-Fuller
Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Chichester